Graduate in psychology
at the university of Salamanca and PhD
in social psychology at the UNED. From
January 2015 she is the director of
gender and ICT at the Internet
Interdisciplinary Institute of the
UOC, where she works from March 2007.
Her research lines revolve around the
development of gender roles and
stereotypes during childhood and
adolescence; gender gaps in the choice
of studies and occupations; the
influence of school and families on
the motivation and study choices; and
gender differences about attitudes
towards new technologies. Lidera
varios proyectos de investigación
competitivos y es autora de numerosas
publicaciones nacionales e
internacionales. She has been a
visiting fellow at Stanford University
and Michigan University (United
States), the Technical University of
Berlin (in Germany), and the
University of South Africa.
prevalence of gender roles and
discrimination in some educational
Research continues showing
several gender gaps in formal
educational settings. For this
purpose, the present aims at
discussing evidence on the prevalence
of gender-related stereotypes and
discrimination in different
educational settings. Incidentally,
whereas young boys are encouraged by
parents, school teachers, and other
meaningful social actors to enroll in
sports (such as football), girls are
encouraged to enroll in sports such as
gymnastics. Similarly, across
secondary school years girls develop
lower interest than their male
counterparts in some STEM* subject
areas. In addition, the training
programs of future primary and
secondary teachers reinforce the
reproduction of gender roles and
stereotypes about several academic
competences. Some practical
interventions sensitive to gender
discrimination practices (including
for instance the intersection of
gender and ethnicity) in the context
of secondary schooling and university
will be also discussed.
Gender differences
in sports education in secondary
Sara Rozenwajn y Sara Garcia /
Universidad de la Laguna.
Gender gaps in the development of
academic motivation among spanish
secondary school students
Milagros Sáinz / Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya; Katja
Upadyaya / University of Helsinki
Pre-Service Teachers’ opinions and
attitudes of gender roles and
stereotypes in the teaching of
stem subjects
Maria del Carmen Gallego y
Milagros Sáinz / Internet
Interdisciplinary Institute,
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Didactic unit to fight against the
double discrimination of female
gypsies among secondary school
Fabio Zamarreño / Internet
Interdisciplinary Institute,
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya