Juan Etxeberria
Murgiondo is Doctor of Educational
Sciences and has a degree in Exact
Sciences (Statistics). He is a
lecturer professor in the University
of the Basque Country. He is author of
several books and numerous articles in
the field of Applied Statistics and,
specially, about the regression
methods and Multivariant Analyses. He
is also author of several scientific
articles in which the keys to pay
attention to the affective-sexual
diversity in the educational context
from a whole school approach, and the
situations and problems of homophobic
and transphobic bullying in school
contexts, are analysed, along with the
strategies to promote the attention to
the affective-sexual and gender
diversities in schools.
schools: Strategies that promote
the attention to the
affective-sexual and gender
By means of this
conference, we want to state the
need and importance of dealing and
paying attention to the
affective-sexual and gender
diversities, and of dealing with the
different situations of homophobic
and transphobic bullying in
educational contexts. In order to do
that, we will present the results of
the last studies related to the
bullying that those students who
have no normative sexual and gender
orientations, or that they do not
fullfil with the gender stereotypes
stablished, suffer in educational
centres. We will also analyse the
different strategies that help to
promote safe school atmospheres,
free of homophobic and transphobic,
and present some initiatives
launched in the Basque Country,
along with some of the results